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Keep Your Car Maintenance Resolutions

Posted: Friday, January 2nd 2015

2015 Car MaintenanceAs we welcome in a New Year, many people are focused on keeping resolutions that will improve or simplify their life for the months ahead. Perhaps the most obvious resolution is car care maintenance. Vehicles can run a long time with the proper care. A car built in the last decade has a good chance of running well up to 150,000 miles. People want to maximize their car investment and get a good return. In fact, according to an annual study by IHS Automotive “the average age of vehicles on U.S. roads has hit a plateau of about 11.4 years.” At the same time, the number of vehicles on the road reached a record level of almost 253 million.

Basic car maintenance includes oil changes, tire rotations, tire alignment, checking tire pressure and visually inspecting the tread depth for uneven wear or damage. Not only can this help minimize the likelihood of major repairs – it’s required to keep tire warranties valid.

As we discussed in a recent article, treadwear warranties on replacement tires are offered by most major tire manufacturers. The goal is to help protect consumers in the case of significant premature tire wear. To maintain the warranty policy, the consumer will need to prove that the tires were properly inflated, aligned and rotated. The interval most vehicle and tire makers recommend for tire rotation is every 5,000 to 8,000 miles. Other vehicle repairs (or replacement parts) may include suspension or brakes as necessary to keep the tires functioning properly.

If the tires have been properly maintained, all four tires should wear uniformly at the same rate. If the worn appearance indicates the tires were not appropriately maintained, the tire manufacturer may not honor the treadwear warranty.

Vehicles that have routine scheduled maintenance last longer, are safer and have less incurred repair costs over time than vehicles that are not serviced regularly. Make your resolution to keep your car running at tip top shape with basic car care. Contact the nearest Dunn Tire for assistance.